Are you studying science ?
Are you a good writer ?

The Magazine

An original project from the Breathe Channel team
is organizing a





Apply by submitting your article to the magazine's editorial staff before January 3, 2025. If your article is selected among the best, you could win numerous prizes depending on your ranking, including the 1st Prize, a kitty of

100 000 F cfa

Go to the additional information to find out if you are eligible and how to apply

Additional information

As part of its project to create a paper magazine, SAT Magazine Media is launching a call for applications for a writing contest in the field of popular science.

Who is SAT Magazine ?

SAT Magazine est un projet de revue de vulgarisation scientifique dont l'ambition est de faire découvrir le génie et le savoir faire des jeunes en milieu scolaire et estudiantin.

Eligibility and evaluation criteria

These few criteria will be taken into account as a basis within the framework of the competition:

Who can apply ?

Le concours s'adresse d'une part aux élèves en fin de cycle secondaire et régulièrement inscrits pour le compte de l'année scolaire en cours. D'autre part les étudiants des établissements universitaires publics et privés, régulièrement inscrits jusqu’en L3 (3e année univeristaire) eux aussi (preuve sera exigée) peuvent participer. La qualité des articles attendus sera d'autant plus exigeante que le niveau d'étude est élevé.

What is the competition about ?

It is about writing, based on your knowledge, experiences and research, a popular science article on a quality subject of your choice. The main idea is to make the chosen concept or subject accessible to high school students through simple explanations and a logical approach. Creativity in building innovative visualization or mnemonic models, an effective explanation method, a pedagogical, synthetic and pleasant-to-read rendering are the very quintessence of this competition. We will pay particular attention to it, much more than to the methodology.

Please note that favor will be given in the evaluation, to the use of colored sketches, simple annotated diagrams, drawings, computer graphics or CAD (Illustrator, AutoCAD, Blender, Maya, Solid Works) with computer-generated image editors as long as they are consistent and relevant. It is desirable that the author of the article is the one of the illustrations submitted, failing which, royalty-free images will be accepted although less well rated than original content.

The rigor (spelling, grammar) and the quality of english will be taken into account. The article should not exceed 2500 words, will be written using a text editor and sent by email to the following address:

Prices and other terms

The article will be submitted in Word format (doc or docx, no more than 1 MB) within the prescribed deadline with these other attachments in a single email:

  • First Prize 100,000
  • Second Prize 50,000
  • Third Prize 20,000
  • Top 10 In-kind Prizes

The results will be published as soon as the jury has reviewed all the submitted articles and deliberated. The duration will therefore depend on the number of candidates. These results will be published on the Breathe Channel page that we invite you to follow on the various networks, mainly Facebook.

  • An identity document
  • Proof of current education (School certificate or any other document)
  • A CV

Good Luck
The editorial staff.


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